Research Project: Tailored cost-benefit analytical frameworks
EnvEcon research have developed and maintain an in-house framework structure for cost-benefit analysis. The framework provides an adaptable structure for the initial evaluation of a broad range of policy interventions or capital investments. The framework incorporates a template and methodology for addressing in an integrated fashion, economic and environmental considerations at a variety of scales and from a number of perspectives. The approach includes linked modules for assessing components ranging from the direct private investment values to the indirect national scale societal impacts of a policy or investment as appropriate. The system offers a useful basis for tailored cost benefit analysis, but in all cases must be recalibrated and extended to fit the needs of the specific project.
On a national scale EnvEcon have led work in relation to valuing climate policy compliance costs, as well as valuing the marginal damage of air pollutant emissions in ireland. The latter was released as a public guidebook to support the appropriate weighting and consideration of air pollutants in national and local policy decisions.
Sample of Work